What it is all about?

Foundations for Freedom is for an individual or organisation to embrace when you are ready and seeking connection, life skills, unity within a team, family, or relationship. When we are ready for growth mentally, emotionally and spiritually to increase our confidence, productivity, immunity and focus.

We all have a mountain of life and its challenges to climb, we know we need to create stability, embrace diversity, and monitor consistency and we can’t do it alone.

Our programs assist you to gradually build a new way of living, peace of mind, and daily habits and structure for success and mental wellness at home and into the workplace.

Holistic programs nurture ourselves as a whole being, using positive psychology incorporating our minds, our bodies, our emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. We are solution focused and consider all physiological and psychological disorders.

Engaging online face to face programs empower us to discover our healing capacity and a range of activities and exercises are offered during your appointments and throughout your course content. We do not judge, or label, though we endeavour to provide information that facilitates your personal journey toward confidence, self-discovery, clarity, peace of mind, and provide resources to solve life’s problems and achieve goals. 

Our intention is to assist you to reach your well-being and mental health goals in a safe and respectful manner to be the balanced, calm, productive and happy person you wish to be.

The perfect online support to get me started on my mental health journey. It was simple, slow and I felt comfortable completing it’

NDIS participant.

Foundations for freedom programs create foundations from our barriers and self-sabotaging ways, welcoming stress management strategies, increasing our social skills and giving us practical strategies that emphasise self-acceptance and self-compassion so we can make progress gently and safely.