Embracing Ease and Flow

‘Our earth has every emotion we have. Throughout her life, her emotions, illnesses and loves have created the world we are now a part of. Our actions are not isolated. Everything we do impacts the earth and all things. Everything we do impacts on what we are leaving for our children.’ – The Dreaming Path

This is an activity to welcome Ease and Flow into your life. We have called it ‘Bringing You Home’.

  • You will need a pencil/pen and piece of paper.
  • Close your eyes and picture a place that feels like home, that feels safe and full of love and joy. It may be a holiday destination you once visited, a tree in your childhood backyard, a beach or park that has fond and happy memories.
  • Now draw a shape that represents this place of safety and fond memories in the middle of the paper. It can be a circle, or a clear picture, just ensure you are there in your mind. Taking some deep breaths with eyes closed.
  • Spend some time exploring every part of this special place, embrace the memories, the smells, the tastes, the love and laughter, fill your entire being with this destination and the feelings of safety, security and love you get from there.
  • If you enjoy drawing, keep going with the picture, add in people, trees, creeks, waves, paths, whatever you can remember and welcome all the comforting feelings attached to this place.
  • The activity ‘Brings you home’, it creates homeostasis in the nervous system and raises your vibration to love.

You can now visit this place anytime in your mind. It allows you to feel safe in progress, it allows you to feel at home and helps to support your next decision and choices.

Below is a beautiful guided meditation and knowledge exchange from Gunawirra Ltd.