Karen Sawtell

Hello and Welcome!

I am an experienced educator working with all ages and professionals  in high schools, community centres, juvenile justice centres, private colleges and large corporations. Originally an RTO trainer of the Diploma of Beauty therapy, Massage, Community Services, Advanced Meditation, Mental Health, Foundation Skills and Hospitality, I found my real passion was helping people holistically and starting before the course, working on the Foundations…

Mental health isn’t a competition, or a badge of honour. It is the darkest and most loneliest times of our lives, so we work alongside psychologists, counsellors and other holistic practitioners, and confidently deliver these programs to you.

So to connect, grow and learn through our struggles is why Foundations For Freedom exists.

After running my health and wellness business for 15 years, 10 years of training in colleges, hundreds of students, endless stories of success, complete new mental states, lifestyles, and pathways….. Here we are, now offering our evidence based courses and mindfulness classes to everyone in a culturally safe manner.

Thank you for being here, whatever your individual or organisations story may be, I am so grateful you have read this far and this has crossed your path.

Nikki Auckland

I am one your Foundations For Freedom trainers with a background in fitness, nutrition and a passion for helping people thrive!

Knowing first hand how hard it can be to navigate life with anxiety, depression and on going struggles with self esteem, I made it my life’s mission to turn my weaknesses into my strengths.

Fast forward a few years, I have worked with hundreds of women, enabling them to work on their health and fitness while becoming the very best version of themselves.

I bring my knowledge and past experiences to the course to support and nourish the minds and bodies of all those who enter our space.

Bianca Elmir

Bianca has won multiple national and international titles as an amateur and professional boxer. With over 50 fights under her belt, Bianca has travelled the world representing her country.  Bianca continues to share her love of the sport and its ability to empower people by facilitating women’s boxing clinics across Australia and the Pacific. 

Bianca has had a feature length documentary titled ‘Bam Bam the Movie’ which has been selected for various film festivals and awards nationally and internationally. Bianca has a degree in International Relations and Community Development and her background spans various roles from a HIV/AIDS prevention program in rural South Africa, working for a Greens member of the ACT Assembly, to film stunt woman and reality TV. 

Beyond boxing, Bianca has also established various community initiatives aimed at supporting marginalised youth and women. Through her work, Bianca strives to give a voice to those who are often silenced and neglected. Her experiences as a Muslim Australian have heightened her awareness of the detrimental effects of Islamophobia on individuals and communities. This awareness has driven her to advocate for the marginalised, both within and outside of her community.